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Viaje de Iniciación a CHOQUEQUIRAO, Cuna de Oro y Sabiduría. Transformarte en un Guardi@n de la Tierra con Dana Tir

From 26 september to 4 October 2015

The Americas' ancient prophecies speak about a new human being,
who lives free from fear and acts from its transcendental nature.
The seeds of this new being can sprout through the Rites of the Munay-Ki.

Imagine now yourself receiving these initiations of light in the sacred citadel of Choquequirao, the "Golden cradle" in the language of the Incas.

Under the guidance, love and wisdom of Dana Tir, woman, mother and shaman,
and following the desire of our hearts path to find the revelations
that our life needs, to finally able to take our sacred role as Guardians of the Earth.
Welcome to the rites of the Munay-Ki, on the Inca Trail to Choquequirao, Cusco, Perú.

"Come, come, come to the other side,
enter the stream of pure mind.
Germinate the seeds that live in your heart.
Munay-Ki, Mother Earth ... I love you, Pachamama"